University of Parma - University Museum System
Pagine in italiano

Museum and Historical Library of Biomedicine - BIOMED

c/o Ospedale Maggiore - Via A. Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma
tel. +39 0521 033143 - +39 0521 033132 - +39 0521 033032

Scientific Director: Roberto Toni

Technical support: Davide Dallatana

Photography: Luca Gilli

Web site: Damiano Dallatana

Latest News

From October 14th to December 17th: "The fabric of the Bodies, from anatomy to robotics", exhibition in Parma (Italy), at Palazzo del Governatore. Visit the exhibition website

October 19th 2017: Roberta Ballestriero gives a lecture on scientific ceroplastic and artificial anatomy in Parma, Palazzo del Governatore, during the exhibition The fabric of the Bodies, from anatomy to robotics - for more information click here (Italian lang. only)

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