University of Parma - University Museum System
Pagine in italiano

Museum and Historical Library of Biomedicine - BIOMED

c/o Ospedale Maggiore - Via A. Gramsci 14, 43126 Parma
tel. +39 0521 033143 - +39 0521 033132 - +39 0521 033032

News and Updates

The Museum of Biomedicine and its Historical Library (BIOMED) provide educational service as an on-line teaching platform - BIOMED (see also the link on Educational Services of BIOMED at the web site of the University Museum Network of Parma) primarily for students of the biomedical academic courses of the University of Parma. However, part of the teaching resources are available also to other national and international universities and research Centers as well as to public and private schools of different levels by downloading as a web open source. In addition, BIOMED organizes and presents lectures and seminars on scientific, biotechnological, and historical topics of biomedical interest, both at basic and clinical levels. Finally, BIOMED acts as a research center focused on emerging technologies for the fabrication of bioartificial organs with biomaterials, including materials for restoration of ceroplastic and mummified anatomical specimens, and it is engaged in the development of formal symbolic languages for application of human anatomy informations to biomedical robotics.

Scientific, historical, and promotional activities:

December 2016

May 17th, 2016

October 22nd, 2013

June 2013

May 17th, 2013

January 14th, 2013

March-June 2012